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Diagnosed With Colorectal Cancer at 28, With Kevin Hays

Diagnosed With Colon Cancer at 28, With Kevin Hays

Kevin Hays was diagnosed with Stage IIc colon cancer at age 28.  He went through surgery and chemo.  After finishing chemo he ran in the Buffalo Undy Run to boost awareness and afterwards volunteered to help with organizing for the the next year (this year!).  Working through the Buffalo Undy Run | Walk planning he helped resurrect the Blue Bash in Buffalo to broaden our reach with a new audience.  He also developed a new awareness initiative targeting the construction and real estate development industries called the Blue Hope Hard Hat Initiative (#protectyourass) as a way to help promote the 80% by 2018 initiative. To raise awareness, hundreds of construction workers and site managers in the Buffalo area are sporting the blue hard hats emblazoned with a comical, but serious message: “Protect Your Ass.” Since early January, he’s sold 600 of the blue hard hats at cost, about $10 apiece, with a goal of helping to boost colorectal screening rates.

To learn more about the Blue Hope Hard Hat initiative and to order your very own Blue Hard Hat, visit:

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