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Recommended Reading

, by Robin McGee

Diagnosed with a late-stage cancer, after years of bungled and inadequate medical attention…and then to discover that the best-practice chemotherapy is not available in your province. After her delayed diagnosis of colorectal cancer, Robin McGee reaches out to her community using a blog entitled “Robin’s Cancer Olympics.” Often uplifting and humorous, the blog posts and responses follow her into the harsh landscape of cancer treatment, medical regulation, and provincial politics.

It’s Not Harder Than Cancer, by Michael Holtz

Michael Holtz was diagnosed with rectal cancer on March 27, 2012, five days after his 43rd birthday and 23 days after running the Rock ‘n Roll New Orleans Marathon. Further testing would determine the cancer was stage-3b, a large tumor with lymph node involvement. His medical team threw the book at him: oral chemo therapy combined with radiation, surgery and then six months of infusion chemotherapy. It was a difficult 11 months, but Michael and his wife, whom he calls the lovely Sarah, survived.

, by Amy Marash

Cartoons and drawings by Amy Marash convert fear and rage about cancer into a manageable, almost laughable experience. Drawings include: Colon Cancer Doesn’t Have a Good Ribbon, I’m Awake, Are You Sleeping? , Mad, Skinny Jeans, Dude, Where’s My Toes, and Marco Colo!

, By Robert Schimmel

This is the book that helped get me through my initial diagnosis and treatment of (then) stage 2 Colon Cancer.

In the spring of 2000, stand-up comedian Robert Schimmel was diagnosed with stage III non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and soon the fire of his white-hot career started to fizzle.

But Schimmel never lost his sense of humor, his searing honesty, and most of all, his passion to make people laugh. Indeed, it was his basic need to entertain—even if the only people around him were suffering from cancer and the room he was playing was the Mayo Clinic infusion center—that carried him through his ordeal. Warning – Explicit content!

, by David Servan-Schreiber

Anticancer has been a bestselling phenomenon since Viking first published it in fall 2008. Now, a new edition addresses current developments in cancer research and offers more tips on how people living with cancer can fight it and how healthy people can prevent it.

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