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Archive | October, 2017

How One Doctor Is Working to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screenings Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS | MoreDr. Andrew Albert is a Board Certified Gastroenterologist and serves patients in Chicago at his practice, Chicago Gastro. After losing a patient to colon cancer he was at his wit’s end. “Colon Cancer is 95% preventable if people would only get […]

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How to Communicate With Your Healthcare Team, With Eddie Leigh

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS | MoreA cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. The emotions behind hearing the words “you have cancer” can often cloud a patient’s ability to comprehend the information being shared by the medical team as well as the patient’s ability to ask important questions. […]

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How to Talk to Your Children About Your Cancer Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS | MoreMost people do everything on their power to avoid having difficult conversations. I can’t think of a more difficult conversation then having to tell your children you have cancer. I’ve had to do this on several occasions and even though I’m […]

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