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Honoring Her Husband’s Memory Through Her Advocacy Work, With Dana Georges

Honoring Her Husband’s Memory Through Her Advocacy Work, With Dana Georges

I had the pleasure of meeting Dana at the 12th annual Call-on Congress.

She became very involved in cancer advocacy efforts after losing her husband Jean to colon cancer on Mother’s Day, 2015. He was only 43-years-old. Her 7-year-old  son will need to begin screening at age 25. Also, her32-year-old brother recently had precancerous cells found in a polyp that was discovered during a colonoscopy due to rectal bleeding.

Since her husband’s passing, she has been to Capital Hill twice to meet with her federal  lawmakers in an effort to increase funds for cancer research. She also focuses on meeting with her state and local lawmakers throughout the year. In addition to her advocacy work with Fight CRC, she also works with The American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network.

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