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How to Talk to Your Children About Your Cancer

Most people do everything on their power to avoid having difficult conversations. I can’t think of a more difficult conversation then having to tell your children you have cancer. I’ve had to do this on several occasions and even though I’m the parent of adult children it is incredibly hard. I couldn’t imagine having to share this type of news with young children.

I first met Diana Sloan at the Colon Cancer Alliance’s Stage IV Symposium in Mesa, Arizona in the fall of 2016, but it was a recent Facebook post where she wrote about a recent talk she had with her eight year-old daughter that really caught my eye. In this post she talked about how she talked about life and death with her little girl. The honesty, vulnerability and tenderness that shined through these written words truly touched my heart.

When I reached out to Diana to ask if she’d be willing to share this story on the podcast she said “yes” without any hesitation. I hope you will be as moved as I was and take away some advice on how to talk with your children about sensitive topics like this one.

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