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Creating and Crowdfunding a Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trial

Creating and Crowdfunding a Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trial

Many of our listeners know Dr. Tom Marsilje. Tom was a guest on the show in 2016. He is currently crowdfunding a UCSD (University of California, San Diego) CRC clinical trial. Because of the timing of this critical project, along with the challenges that The Colon Cancer Podcast experienced due to Hurricane Irma, we decided to rebroadcast this episode.

Learn more about Dr. Tom Marsilje’s Clinical Trial by visiting:



How does someone go from the best day of their life to the worst in under 12 hours? knows. In June, 2012 he was recognized for his work, co-discovering a drug for lung cancer. Hours later a colonoscopy revealed he had colon cancer.

During our conversation, Tom discusses his journey. He talks about how his diagnosis motivated him to become a long distance runner, renew his faith and begin writing a blog; Adventures in Living Terminally Optimistic.

Cancer patients need to be their own advocates. There’s no
reason to suffer if there are resources to help. Most cancer
centers now offer palliative care, nutrition counseling, clinical
trials and psycho-social support for cancer patients – ask if a
doctor doesn’t bring it up.

Important Links:

Tom’s Blog: Adventures In Living Terminally Optimistic

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