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Calling On Congress To Help Colorectal Cancer Patients, With Emily Piekut

Calling On Congress To Help Colorectal Cancer Patients, With Emily Piekut

Emily Piekut is the Advocacy Manager for Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC). In this role, she activates survivors, caregivers and loved ones who have been touched by colorectal cancer to engage with their members of Congress and change policy. In addition to managing Fight CRC’s advocacy programs, Emily works closely with the Grassroots Action Committee (GAC), oversees the Facebook group for advocates and manages Call-on Congress and the award-winning Blue Star States campaign.

During our interview Emily talked about the preparation involved in this year’s Call-On Congress and what her and the participants hoped to achieve. Here are the goals she outlined:

Legislative Goals

  1. Removing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screenings

  2. Investing in Colorectal Cancer Research

  3. Protecting the Best Interests of Colorectal Cancer Patients

For more information on how you can get involved visit the Fight CRC Action Center page.

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