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Colon Cancer Patient Wins Free Pizza For a Year, Donates it to Food Bank

Colon Cancer Patient Wins Free Pizza For a Year, Donates it to Food Bank

It was right before Christmas and Josh Katrick had just completed his 8th round of chemotherapy treatment for his colon cancer when a bit of luck came his way.

He had just won a competition: free pizza for a year from his favorite neighborhood restaurant in Pennsylvania.
But instead of planning on which toppings he’d have on his pizza, Josh decided other people needed it more.
So he gave every slice away to the local Northampton food bank.
“You know the saying, ‘When life gives you lemons make lemonade,’ well, when life gives you pizza, give away a slice,” Josh said.
Katrick has been feasting on Mario’s Pizza in Northampton since he was a child, and was one of 1,200 people to enter the competition.
The winner would walk away with 2 large (and they mean large) pizzas and soda, every month for the next year.
But after Katrick’s act of holiday kindness, the pizza restaurant about 65 miles north of Philadelphia decided to extend its own.
The restaurant is doubling the prize to make sure Katrick gets his share of pizza, along with the food bank.

Josh shares the details of his story with me in this heart-warming interview.

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