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Dave Bell Talks About How One Person Can Influence State Healthcare Legislation

Dave Bell Talks About How One Person Can Influence State Healthcare Legislation

Dave Bell was diagnosed in April of 2015 when he was 44 years old. It was stage 3 colon cancer. Treatment included removal of his appendix and half of his colon. He talked to me about his diagnosis, treatment and his work with The Colon Cancer Prevention Project.

Dave talked about the important role his wife and three boys played in his recovery. His advice to family members of loved ones touched by colorectal cancer is to give them space and time to process. Dave cried a lot early on. A cancer diagnosis is very emotional. Support them, laugh with them and surround them with positive thoughts.

His advice to people who were recently diagnosed is to get as much information as you can, ask questions, and make sure to take a friend or family member to appointments if possible to help you understand and digest the information. Also, you are not alone and you are stronger than you probably give yourself credit.

As the Executive Director of The Colon Cancer Prevention Project, Dave spends a great deal of time working with the Kentucky state legislature trying to influence policy related to healthcare and specifically colorectal cancer.

Unlike many colon cancer survivors, Dave looks at his cancer journey as a blessing. He made many friends and believes he is stronger because of it and has the privilege of serving with the Colon Cancer Prevention Project because of what he went through.

You can follow Dave on social media on Facebook and on Twitter and Instagram at @HeyDaveBell


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