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Using Mindfulness to Ease the Stress and Anxiety of Cancer, With Bruce Langford

Using Mindfulness to Ease the Stress and Anxiety of Cancer, With Bruce Langford

Bruce Langford is a Mindfulness Life Coach and founder of the highly acclaimed Mindfulness Mode Podcast. Bruce helps professionals, entrepreneurs, team leaders, parents and CEOs decrease anxiety and stress, by helping them change their mindset. Having spent 10 years working in the field of bullying prevention, Bruce realizes that many individuals actually bully themselves, resulting in self-sabotaging behaviors. His clients are adamant that his coaching helps them become more calm, more focused and enable them to live a happier, more content life.

I first met Bruce at Podfest, a podcasting conference. Having read up on the topic of mindfulness I asked Bruce if he thought it could help cancer patients ease the effects of stress anxiety and scanxiety. He responded with a resounding “absolutely!” I immediately invited Bruce to share his expertise on the podcast. Bruce also invited me to be a guest on his podcast, The Mindfulness Mode podcast which you can listen to here:

Some of the mindfulness tips that Bruce shared were:

  • Spend time in nature. Whether it’s sitting by a lake, river, ocean or any body of water, walking somewhere with pretty scenery or watching a sunset, all of these things can help you be “in the moment” and calm your mind.
  • Meditation, even for just 2 minutes a day can also help relieve your stress.
  • Prayer, in whatever way you define it, can help you be more mindful.

Bruce offers a free guide with these and other mindfulness tips which can be downloaded here:


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