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Supporting the Ostomy Community, With Deb Fox

Supporting the Ostomy Community, With Deb Fox

Deb Fox has made it her mission to help the members of the ostomy community. She has created a private Facebook group – – to provide those with ostomies a private, safe forum to discuss all things ostomy. Her websites – and -provide numerous resources, along with support, for the ostomy community.

Deb received a complete hysterectomy in 2012 for ovarian cancer, and an Ileostomy in 2014 due to Ulcerative Colitis. The UC had cut the blood supply off to her small intestine, so she was left with 4 1/2 ft of the normal 25 ft of intestines. At the time, she had no insurance. “What good is having an Ileostomy to save your life when the quality of your life looks to be extremely debilitating?” Deb said. That is when she realized she needed to be one of the people to step up and make a change. The first thing she did was to locate the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA), and become a certified visitor. She then volunteered at the hospital where she received her surgery. It has blossomed from there. There are many, many reasons why someone my need an ostomy. Cancers, IBD, Birth defects, traumas, etc. This is why our ribbon is rainbow colors – It gives respect to all of the different colors of awareness ribbons.

Deb’s Links to Ostomy Resources:

  • – is like a yellow pages directory for ostomates. It is broke down into categories so people can better locate the resources they need.
  • – will give you a more detailed listing of our programs.
  • – is the online support group we have created for ostomates. It is a private group with over 2200 ostomates and nurses.
  • OstoMyCare. We are working to improve healthcare, thus quality of life to ostomates through collaborations in palliative care. From the doctors, nurses, clinics, and hospitals to support groups, home health, counselors, etc.
  • – provides ostomy supplies for those who are experiencing financial hardships.


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