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What Every Colorectal Cancer Patient Should Know, With Dr. Tim Cannon

What Every Colorectal Cancer Patient Should Know, With Dr. Tim Cannon

Dr. Cannon is a specialty care physician board certified in medical oncology. He has a special interest in management of gastrointestinal malignancies including colorectal cancer.

Dr. Cannon is the clinical director and moderator of the weekly molecular tumor board at Inova, which matches patients with targeted therapies based on molecular diagnostics. He is very interested in national cooperative group clinical trials and is a member of the NRG colorectal and non-colorectal clinical trials committee. He is the site principal investigator for multiple clinical trials in immunotherapy.

Dr. Cannon was the chief fellow of hematology/oncology at New York University (NYU). He was voted fellow of the year at NYU during each of his last 2 years there. He received a “best doctor” award by Northern Virginia magazine in 2015.

Important Links Mentioned in the Podcast

Colon Cancer Alliance Clinical Trial Finder

National Cancer Institute Clinical Trial Finder


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