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101 Things to Do When You Survive, With Greig Trout

I first learned of Greig’s story via a tweet posted by the good folks at Bowel Cancer UK. As I dug deeper to learn more about Greig and his story, I was astounded to learn of the similarities of our cancer journeys. Like me, Greig is a two-time cancer survivor. As a child, Greig had a rare form of pediatric kidney cancer known as a Wilm’s Tumor; so did I. Like me, Greig lost a kidney to the disease, and like me, Greig is a Bowel Cancer (as it’s known in the UK) survivor.

Greig’s biggest challenge was not the disease itself or the side effects from treatment. It was the debilitating depression, P.T.S.D., that he faced post-treatment. He said the depression was worse than both cancers combined. Greig decided he needed to get away and see the world, and from this experience, 101 Things to Do When You Survive was born.

From participating in an 85 mile AngelRide to support children with cancer and other serious illnesses, to learning the Tango in Buenos Aries, from learning to skydive to learning to surf, Greig has checked off many things from his Anti-Bucket list.

The Tango



Singing on Stage at the Sydney Opera House

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