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What Can Cancer Do To Your Marriage?

What Can Cancer Do To Your Marriage? Sarah DeBord

Like so many young Colon Cancer Survivors, Sarah DeBord was told her symptoms were “probably hemorrhoids.” Several years later she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. Having recently completed her 125th round of chemotherapy, Sarah says her disease is stable.

During our conversation we discussed:

  • Her work with the Colon Cancer Coalition
  • The Colon Club and her experience spending a weekend with fellow survivors.
  • The important role exercise plays in her physical and emotional health.
  • The effect her diagnosis had on her marriage.

Links mentioned in this  interview:

Sarah’s Blog –

The Colon Cancer Coalition

Get Your Rear In Gear Run/Walk Event

Tour de Tush

Caboose Cup

On The Rise

Psychology Today – “The New Survivors.”

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