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Our Seventeen Years With Colon Cancer and Each Other

Our Seventeen Years With Colon Cancer and Each Other

Danielle and Mike met when they were teenagers. “We were best friends” they told me. When she was just 17, Danielle was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer. Nine years later she again would be diagnosed with colon cancer; this time it was Stage 1.

Initial genetic testing was inconclusive. Later on she would learn she had Lynch Syndrome. On January 23rd, 2018 Danielle and Mike commemorated her 17th “cancerversary.”

Danielle currently serves as the Director of Communications for Fight CRC.

During our conversation, Danielle and Mike discussed their relationship and the joys and challenges they’ve experienced. Mike talked about being a caregiver.

During the show intro. I mentioned the upcoming Undy Run/Walk taking place in Tampa, FL. If you’d like to join my team or make a donation to my team click here.

I will be attending Podfest from February 8-10; one of the largest podcasting conferences in the world. At last year’s conference I met Bruce Langford and Chel Hamilton who I interviewed on the podcast. Bruce is the host of the Mindfulness Mode podcast. He came on The Colon Cancer Podcast to talk about how Mindfulness can help ease the stress and anxiety of cancer. Chel Hamilton is the host of the Meditation Minis Podcast. She and I discussed techniques to help alleviate scanxiety.



Fight CRC 

Lynch Syndrome

Danielle’s Blog

The Colon Cancer Podcast interview with Bruce Langford discussing Mindfulness

The Colon Cancer Podcast interview with Chel Hamilton discussing scanxiety

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